New Poll Shows That Republicans Have Become the Party of #MeToo Backlash
A new poll is the latest evidence of a dramatic partisan breakdown over what to do about sexual assault allegations: A majority of Republicans are willing to support political candidates who face multiple accusations of sexual assault, while a vast majority of Democrats are not.
The poll, released on Wednesday morning by the nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute, asked a representative sample of Americans this question: “If a political candidate has been accused of sexual assault by multiple people, would you still consider voting for them if you agreed with them on the issues, or would you definitely not vote for them?”
Fifty-six percent of Republicans said they would consider voting for a candidate who had been accused by multiple people; only 34 percent said they would not. By contrast, 81 percent of Democrats said they would not vote for such a candidate, and only 16 percent said they’d consider it:
To read the full article by Zack Beauchamp, visit Vox.com